(339) 218-5003

Making The Swap

The actual process of swapping out old panels for new ones might sound daunting but fear not. With basic tools and careful attention to detail, you can do this yourself if you’re feeling handy. However, consider professional help to ensure everything aligns perfectly—literally. This ensures safety mechanisms work correctly post-swap because nobody wants surprise performances from their garage doors during family BBQs.In summary, panel replacement doesn’t have to be headache-inducing—it’s actually an opportunity disguised as maintenance. It lets you upgrade visual appeal while maintaining structural integrity without needing deep pockets. So next time you wince at dented or fading panels, remember: It’s probably less trouble (and expense) than anticipated bringing them back up to speed—or even better.


8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Mason Garage Doors

(339) 218-5003